Locally grown, natural and trusted Elderberry products
A unique take on original recipes that have been trusted for centuries with a local twistShop From Our Store
You are not just buying a product, you’re supporting a local Australian farmer and producer
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Our Story
We are passionate about growing and producing products that make a difference to people’s health, our lifestyle as farmers and caretakers of our land, and our connection with consumers while helping to build our local economy and food security in Victoria and Australia.
It’s more to us than growing elderberries…. It’s also about future proofing our farm, our family and supporting our community.
Karen & Paul
Elderberries have been recommended for their health benefits throughout history. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, called elderberries “Nature’s Medicine Chest for the common people,” and from that point forward, it has been noted in herbals and pharmacopia.
The bark, leaves, flowers and berries (high in Vitamin C-supports immune function) all have medicinal properties and have proved their usefulness for over thousands of years. The flowers and berries are used in modern herbal medicine, skin care, drinks, condiments and dye. The leaves and inner bark can be used as a natural insecticide and dye. The stems can be hollowed out and used for spouts, musical instruments, and toys.